Rental Lease Agreement

The Haskell RV Ranch Registration Application is an application to Register your account Login and Lease a Lot. By using the Haskell RV Ranch Registration Application, you consent to the entire Rental Agreement described in this statement. 

This Rental Agreement is made between Haskell RV Park and Tenant(s).

Haskell RV Park agrees to lease to approved Tenant(s) as long as rental payments and fees are being made, unless Tenant(s) have been evicted or have vacated the Lot.

Tenant(s) agrees to all rent and all fees that are applicable and shown on the Book Reservations page. The fees include a one time $200 deposit, $50 per month fee for a deep freezer, and/or $50 per month fee for a window AC/Heater unit. Tenant(s) agrees to all rent and fees, that rent and fees can change at any time, and there is no refund if Tenant(s) leave earlier than requested. The deposit will be refunded as long as Lot is left clean and undamaged.

A penalty fee of $50 will apply for late payments after the 5th of each month, and a late fee of $100 will be applied after the 10th of each month. After that $10 per day late will accumulate daily until the amount owed is paid in full. Rent amount in full will still be applied monthly. 

All pets(type, number, and vaccination records) must be emailed to Haskell RV Ranch upon arrival.

Tenant(s) agrees to:

TERM: Tenant Rental Agreement shall establish a monthly tenancy, and the term of the Agreement shall be for the period specified in this Agreement. Tenant acknowledges and agrees that the Lot Site provided herein for the sole use of a Recreational Vehicle. If Tenant stops paying rent, eviction proceedings will begin, and Tenant agrees to vacate the Lot which is the subject of this Agreement and to leave the Haskell RV Ranch Property immediately.

The Tenant accepts lease and residence privileges with the understanding that he/she does hereby release Haskell RV Ranch, its officers and employees, of all liabilities for loss and/or damages to property and/or injury to his/her person arising out of his/her use of the facilities and agrees to indemnify Haskell RV Ranch and its officers and employees, against any claims resulting from loss or damage to property and/or injury to the person of any member of the family or guest of the Tenant, arising out of the use of Haskell RV Ranch facilities.

EVICTION: Haskell RV Ranch reserves the right to evict Tenant(s) at any time for any reason.

RENT INCREASES: Notices for rent increases during the term of this Agreement will be in accordance with the terms and conditions of any law in effect, but no rent increase shall take effect less than thirty(30) days from the date of the written notice from Haskell RV Ranch.

USE PROHIBITED: The recreational vehicle and premises shall be used only for private recreational and/or private residential purposes and no business or commercial activity of any nature shall be conducted thereon.

RENTING OR SUBLETTING: Tenant(s) shall not sublease or otherwise rent all or any portion of Tenant(s) recreational vehicle or the premises. Tenant(s) shall not assign or encumber his/her interest in this Rental Agreement or the premises. No consent to any assignment, encumbrance, sublease or other renting shall constitute a further waiver of the provisions of the paragraph. If Tenant(s) consist of more than one person, a purported assignment, voluntary, involuntary, or by operation of law, from one person to the other shall be deemed an assignment with the meaning of this paragraph.

PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS, POLICIES, AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Tenant(s) agrees to abide by all the Rules and Regulations, Policies, and Terms and Conditions governing the Park, including any additional rules as may be promulgated by Haskell RV Ranch from time to time. The Tenant(s) acknowledge that they all have read and agree to abide by the Rental Agreement, Rules and Regulations, Policies, and Terms and Conditions. 

Haskell RV Park Officers reserve the right to change any of the Rental Agreement, Rules and Regulations, Policies, and Terms and Conditions at any time as the Officers see fit. 

SITE CONDITION: Tenant(s) shall maintain the Lot they are occupying and their RV in a clean and uncluttered condition at all times. No tarps allowed.

PETS: Special Permission to keep a house pet must be obtained from the Haskell RV Ranch Management. A house pet is defined as a pet that spends its primary existence within the RV. Haskell RV Ranch reserves the right to deny Resident a pet if a proposed pet would pose a threat to the health and safety of other Occupants of Haskell RV Ranch and/or becomes an annoyance. Pet(s) must be kept on a leash, cleaned up after, and not left unattended, tied nor fenced – while the owner is inside – anywhere at Haskell RV Ranch. All vaccinations including rabies must be up-to-date and provided to Haskell RV Ranch upon arrival, and the pet identified by a name tag. All service animals must have proper documentation which must be provided to Haskell RV Ranch upon arrival. No aggressive dogs allowed. 

Tenant(s) agree to comply with all Pet Rules that now exist and such additional Rules as may be promulgated by Haskell RV Ranch from time to time. 

ENTRY UPON RESIDENT’S SPACE: Haskell RV Ranch shall have a right of entry upon the land on which a recreational vehicle is situated for maintenance of utilities or premises and for the protection of Haskell RV Ranch at any reasonable time. Haskell RV Ranch may enter a recreational vehicle without prior written consent of the occupant in case of an emergency or when the occupant has abandoned the recreational vehicle.

INTERPRETATION: This lease is servable, if one portion is invalid or any provision is declared to be unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining portion shall, nevertheless, remain in full force and effect.

SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: This Agreement and each and all of Haskell RV Ranch Terms and Conditions, Policies, Rules and Regulations, provisions, covenants, rights and obligations shall be binding upon the time and insure the benefit of the parties hereto and thor respective successors, assigns, heirs, executors, and administrators.

ALTERATION OF THIS AGREEMENT: This Agreement may be altered by Haskell RV Ranch Officers at any time. 

TERMINATION OF RENTAL AGREEMENT BY TENANT: Tenant(s) understands that this Rental Agreement will remain in effect and Tenant(s) will be liable to pay rent as set forth in this Agreement whether or not the Tenant(s) occupies the space or maintains a recreational vehicle at the Lot for the term of this Rental Agreement, unless the Tenant(s) removes the recreational vehicle from Haskell RV Ranch permanently.

LIABILITY: Tenant(s) agrees that Haskell RV Ranch is not liable for the safe keeping or condition of the RV  or any equipment appurtenant thereto . Haskell RV Ranch shall not be liable for any damage or loss to or of the RV, any equipment or any property whatsoever, from any cause whatsoever, and/or the injury to any Tenant(s), guests or invitees or any other persons or pets. Tenant(s) agrees to carry Tenant’s own Contents insurance policy or assume their own liability. Haskell RV Ranch assumes no responsibility for personal property left at your site or in any other areas of the Haskell RV Ranch.

HOLD HARMLESS: Tenant(s) acknowledges and understands that each and every Tenant, Tenant’s family members, pets, guests or invitees are solely responsible for any

accident or injury to any person while in-residence or while visiting, and that Haskell RV Ranch accepts NO legal or financial responsibility. Tenant(s) assumes all risk of injury or other loss resulting from any recreational activity and will hold Haskell RV Ranch harmless with respect thereto. Tenant(s) hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Haskell RV Ranch and/or any officers or employees harmless from any and all claims, cost, losses and/or expenses including those of their parties, arising out of  or in any way resulting  of the Tenant’s use of the premises or items therein. 

BREACH OR DEFAULT: In the event that the Tenant defaults on any term of this lease, including terms of Agreement payment, usage, violation of the Rules and Regulations, Terms and Conditions, and/or Policies, Haskell RV Ranch shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and begin eviction process. After 5 days of non-payment, Haskell RV Ranch shall give a three (3) day Notice of the right to cure the default delivered to the Tenant(s) whose name(s) appear on this Agreement with Tenant’s  signed receipt for the same written Notice. Copy of the notice will be given to the Sheriff. A failure to pay the full amount due or remove the RV from the premises within 72 hours of receiving the written notice will result in termination of this Agreement, and eviction process will begin. Haskell RV Ranch will file an unlawful detainer (i.e. eviction) litigation with Attorney General’s Office and after a favorable court judgment, law enforcement may remove individuals and personal property from Haskell RV Ranch. Any eviction by Haskell RV Ranch shall not be its sole remedy and Haskell RV Ranch shall be entitled to recover any past due rents with interest on past due amount from the date it was due, together with any and all other unpaid fees and expenses, and reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. Tenant agrees that jurisdiction of any action and venue is in Muskogee County. 

Upon expiration of this Agreement, the Tenant agrees to remove the recreational vehicle and all personal property from Haskell RV Ranch. Tenant may not leave recreational vehicle and/or personal property unattended without the express written permission of Haskell RV Ranch. Unattended recreational vehicles and/or personal property may be removed by Haskell RV Ranch. In the event the recreational vehicle and/or personal property is not removed, Haskell RV Ranch shall have no liability for any damages thereto.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Tenant(s) acknowledges  that he and/or she have read, understood all of this Rental Agreement, and all of the Terms and Conditions, Policy, and Rules and Regulations, and further that he and/or she have read and understood each of these documents. Tenant(s) understands that by executing the Registration Application, he and/or she will be bound by these documents thereof. 

Effective as of November 01, 2022

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